The Real Reason You Should Embrace Your Mum Body

You're standing in front of the mirror, examining your post-baby body (even 1,2 or 5 years later), and a wave of self-doubt washes over you. You start to question your worth, your attractiveness, and your ability to ever feel confident again. But hold on, mumma! Before you dive into a pool of negative self-talk, let me share the real reason why you should embrace your mum body. Trust me, it's a game-changer!


The Post-Baby Body Blues

As a new mom, it's easy to get caught up in the pressure to bounce back to your pre-pregnancy body. Society bombards us with images of celebrities who seemingly shed their baby weight overnight, leaving us feeling inadequate and defeated. But here's the truth: your mum body is something to be celebrated, not hidden away. Don't let the title post-baby body blues make you believe its only the 1st year after giving birth. I believe there is no end.


The Struggle is Real

Let's face it, embracing your mum body can be a challenge. You may find yourself comparing your body to others, longing for your pre-baby figure, or feeling self-conscious about the changes that motherhood has brought. Maybe your guilty of comparing your body to women on instagram that don't have children yet (Hi, that was me). But here's the secret sauce: your mum body is a testament to the incredible journey you've been on.


Embrace the Beauty of Motherhood

The real reason you should embrace your mum body is simple yet profound: it represents the beauty of motherhood itself. Your body has carried and nurtured a tiny human being, bringing life into this world. Those stretch marks, extra curves, and softness are badges of honor, reminding you of the incredible strength and love that resides within you.


Your child looks up at you with adoration, seeing you as the most beautiful person in the world. They don't care about your cellulite or the size of your jeans. They see a superhero, a source of comfort, and an endless well of love. And guess what? They're right!


Embracing your mum body is not just about accepting physical changes; it's about embracing the newfound confidence and self-love that motherhood brings. It's about recognizing that your worth goes far beyond your appearance. Your mum body is a symbol of resilience, love, and the incredible journey you've embarked upon.


You're more than your body, your size, your weight and yes even more than you appearance.


So, how can you start embracing your mum body with open arms? Here are a few tips to get you started:


1. Practice Self-Love: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Celebrate your body for all that it has accomplished and focus on the amazing things it can do, rather than its perceived flaws.


2. Shift Your Perspective: Instead of striving for a pre-baby body, set new goals that align with your current lifestyle and priorities. Focus on feeling strong, healthy, and confident, rather than fitting into a specific size or shape. I encourage my clients to focus on how they are FEELING vs how they look. Lets start measuring how happy and at peace we feel.


3. Rock Your Style: Dress in a way that makes you feel fabulous and showcases your unique personality. Embrace clothes that flatter your body and make you feel confident and comfortable.


4. Teach Your Children: Show your children the importance of self-love and body positivity by embracing your mum body openly. Teach them that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and that true worth lies within.


So, mumma, it's time to embrace your mum body and all the incredible things it represents. Let go of society's unrealistic expectations and celebrate the beauty of motherhood. Your body is a masterpiece, a living testament to the love and strength that resides within you. Embrace it, own it, and let your confidence shine through. You are a beautiful, powerful, and amazing mum, and your mum body is something to be cherished.

Lisa is a master mindset coach & Energy Healing Practitioner.

You can book a session here if you'd like to work with Lisa.


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