Unleashing the Power of Words: Elevating Your Website Copywriting

From: Mikki Fisher

Greetings, everyone! Today, I want to dive into a crucial aspect of your online presence—your website's copywriting. The words you choose to represent your business can make a significant impact, and I'm here to share some insights on how you can elevate your copywriting game.

The Power of Words

With a background in copywriting, I've learned the importance of carefully selecting the right words to convey your message effectively. It's not always an easy task, especially when it comes to describing your own business. Have you ever found yourself struggling to articulate your values, selling points, or even the essence of your brand? You're not alone.

One valuable resource I recommend is Soojee’s Brand Strategy webinar. The insightful activity she conducts towards the end of the session has proven beneficial for many, including myself. It provides clarity on your values and helps identify keywords that define your business, making the subsequent copywriting process more manageable.

Overcoming Copywriting Challenges

When it comes to writing for our own businesses, we often encounter challenges. What seems obvious to us may not be as clear to our audience. To overcome this hurdle, consider seeking feedback. Engage with your peers and ask them to share their impressions when they visit your website. Sometimes, an external perspective can highlight aspects you might have overlooked.

The Importance of Repetition

In the world of online marketing, repetition is key. Whether it's for SEO purposes or capturing attention on social media, don't hesitate to reiterate your key messages. What might feel like stating the obvious to you could be the first time someone else is encountering it. So, embrace the power of repetition in your copywriting strategy.

Be Explicit About Your Expertise

In the quest to create engaging and heart-centered content, don't shy away from explicitly stating your professional qualifications and expertise. While it might feel like you wear many hats, your audience wants clarity. If you have a counselling degree, practice kinesiology, or possess expertise in various therapeutic modalities, make it clear on your website. Transparency builds trust.

Collaboration and Support

Let's create a supportive community. Share your challenges and ask for feedback in the comments. We can be mirrors for each other, offering valuable insights and helping refine our respective messages.


In conclusion, crafting compelling website copy is an ongoing journey. Embrace the process, seek feedback, and be explicit about your expertise. Remember, repetition is your ally in the world of online communication. Now, go out there, revisit Soojee’s workshop, and let your words resonate powerfully with your audience.


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