Where to Start with Anna-Liza Mopio-Jane

In this podcast episode, we'll uncover the captivating world of elite athletes, the challenges they face, and the paths they choose to follow when they step away from the spotlight. From connecting with Olympic athletes and transitioning from elite sports to supporting child athletes, we'll explore the psychology of athletic success, the importance of mental health, and how a background in sports can redefine one's identity. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover where it all begins.

In This Episode:

Connecting with Elite Athletes

Discover the unique journey of an Olympic athlete turned counselor, exploring the motivations behind this transition and the challenges faced by elite athletes after retirement.

Transitioning from Elite Sports

Uncover the reasons behind the decision to retire from swimming and how it opens doors to new life opportunities, with a focus on work-life balance.

Life Beyond Sport

Explore the hurdles faced by elite athletes when they step away from sports and the importance of building a well-rounded identity beyond their athletic career.

The Psychology of Athletic Success

Delve into the mindset of successful athletes, where resilience and adaptability play crucial roles in achieving greatness.

Mental Health Support for Injured Athletes

Learn about effective strategies to support injured athletes' mental health and well-being, emphasizing gratitude and self-care practices.

Redefining Identity as a Parent

Navigating the identity crisis many parents face outside of their parental roles, with insights on how an athletic background can aid in this process. Discover how to find pockets of time and strike a balance between sports and personal life, ultimately becoming a better athlete and person.

Supporting Child Athletes

Gain valuable insights into effectively supporting young athletes, focusing on fostering connections and understanding their individual needs.


  • Finding a balance between your sport and other activities can be hard.

  • The good athletes, you have to be resilient. Constantly being resilient and being open to change and adaptable is the key.

  • Being able to connect with your child outside of sport and as them as a person is the support they need.


Navigating Algorithm Changes as a Private Practitioner


Navigating the Storm: A Guide to Managing Your Mental Health