Where to Start with Women's Health Co

Delve into the realm of women's physiotherapy, spotlighting the increasing popularity of women seeking physiotherapy to reclaim control over their well-being. Join us as we challenge conventional views of pelvic floor health, explore effective pelvic floor exercises, and emphasize the importance of personalized assessments. Gain empowering tips for postpartum confidence, understand distinctions in postpartum recovery between C-section and vaginal delivery, and connect with your body through common cues for pelvic floor contraction. Embark on a powerful journey towards holistic women's health with practical insights and tailored approaches.

The Rise of Women's Physios

Explore the increasing popularity of women seeking physiotherapy and regaining control of their well-being. Reflect on the evolving landscape where more women are entering the field of physiotherapy, with social media playing a significant role in fostering awareness and empowerment.

Understanding the Nuances of Pelvic Floor Health

Challenge the conventional view of pelvic floor health, moving beyond the simplistic notions of strength or weakness. Delve into the multifaceted aspects that influence pelvic floor function, recognizing the impact of various factors beyond childbirth.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Uncover the misconceptions surrounding pelvic floor exercises and their timing. Explore the broader context of pelvic floor function and discover that effective exercises involve more than mere squeezing and lifting, offering a nuanced understanding of when and how to engage these muscles.

Assessing Pelvic Floor Health

Recognize the vital role the pelvic floor plays in various bodily functions, from urination to sexual function. Gain insights into the importance of assessing pelvic floor health, not just post-birth but also in the pre-pregnancy phase, involving thorough questioning to understand individual needs.

Addressing Pelvic Dysrhythmia

Discover the significance of education in managing pelvic dysrhythmia, with a focus on understanding and addressing individual needs. Explore the combination of hands-on techniques and assessment tools to provide tailored support for those requiring a more personalized approach.

Pelvic Prolapse Tips for Postpartum Confidence

Receive empowering messages around pelvic prolapse, understanding that it's a common occurrence and not limited to those who have given birth. Gain insights into effective management strategies, ensuring that individuals can continue pursuing their activities with confidence and support.

Postpartum Recovery: C-Section vs. Vaginal Delivery

Explore the differences in postpartum recovery between C-section and vaginal delivery, understanding the unique considerations for each. Delve into how these childbirth methods influence pelvic floor health and reshape the approach to recovery within the first eight weeks.

Common Cues for Pelvic Floor Contraction

Delve into common cues for pelvic floor contraction, moving beyond conventional approaches. Explore cues such as holding in urine and lifting a blueberry with the vagina, providing a powerful starting point for individuals to connect with and understand their bodies.


  • Challenge conventional notions surrounding pelvic floor health as this podcast uncovers the nuances that extend beyond simplistic ideas of strength or weakness. 

  • Explore effective pelvic floor exercises, gaining a comprehensive understanding of engagement beyond mere squeezing and lifting.

  • Explore the pivotal role of assessments, not just post-birth, but also in the pre-pregnancy phase, shedding light on the individual needs crucial for holistic well-being.

  • Uncover the distinctions in postpartum recovery between C-section and vaginal delivery, reshaping approaches within the critical first eight weeks. Gain insights into how childbirth methods influence pelvic floor health, contributing to an informed and empowered postpartum journey.


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